“They took me right in . . . and taught me about the Lord.”  Michael

In Michael’s experience, a life lived on the streets only finished one of two ways: “It ends with incarceration,” he shook his head. “Or maybe even death.

That’s the hard truth he found himself facing after years of hurt, addiction and homelessness. At the end of his road, “I had nowhere to go… I was at the bottom of the bottom of the bottom,” he says. And nobody left to look to for help—or hope. “I didn’t know what to do so I just wanted to die.”

Until one day, “some people were telling me about the Springfield Rescue Mission,” he says. “They told me it could help me.”  

Hungry and afraid, he found himself at our door. “I had breakfast at 7:00 AM,” he recalls.  “I talked with them here, they took me right in . . . and taught me all about the Lord.”

Michael marvels at all he’s found at the Rescue Mission that saved him from the streets—and helped him turn his life around: “I had nowhere to go. But, the Rescue Mission provided meals for me—and a bed, showers, and a place to stay when I was down and out . . .

“But,” he smiles, “what I didn’t know was how it was going to help me build a relationship with God, and that’s the most beautiful thing about Springfield Rescue Mission. Food, shelter, clothing—and getting in touch with God!”

That, of course, is the core of our proven Men’s New Life Rehabilitation Program, and Michael is a faithful follower of Christ. “I’m building a relationship with Him on a regular basis,” he nods. “And it’s a work in progress: I’m not where I want to be, but I’m where I need to be right now!”

He’s also the first to share that Christ-centered point of view with others coming here for help  and hope. “I’ve grown to a point where I have a better understanding about Christ. I pray, and I read the Word of God on a daily basis, participating in a relationship with Him. I also found out what a relationship requires, too,” he beams. “So, that’s what I’m doing—and it’s a wonderful thing!”

A wonderful, real-life transformation you help make possible with your gifts and prayers.