A Life Changed – Johnny’s Story

“We’re ambassadors for Christ!”

Johnny suffers from anxiety and PTSD; he’s known much suffering in his life—from growing up with an abusive father to the trauma he experienced in the years following: “I witnessed the events of 9/11,” Johnny admits. “I was there.

He’s also struggled with his health throughout his life, “I was born with heart disease. It’s called ventricular septal defect,” he shares, remembering how the condition affected his life . . . until, seeking escape, “I used cocaine when I was a young teenager.”

But rather than numbing the pain, the drugs damaged his heart even further. Years later, “I caught an infectious disease that spread to my heart . . . and I nearly died.”

 That, he knew, was his last wake-up call. “Being in darkness, fearing that I would die,” he says.

 And God heard his cry for help. “Landing here recently at the Rescue Mission is what brought me back to the Lord,” Johnny says. Understanding that struggles like his, “bring us to our knees one way or another, humble us and help us to realize that without Him, nothing is possible!”

“Nothing is impossible with the Lord.”

You’ll be glad to know Johnny is managing his health. He is clean and sober, and he’s dedicated himself to, “serving the community—that’s one of the biggest things I enjoy doing here now because I’m on the front lines, even in the middle of the whole COVID situation!

“We’re ambassadors for Christ,” he declares. “We’re missionaries for this Mission, where we’ve been blessed with landing!”

Looking back, Johnny realizes, “The Lord always provided. That’s what He does with us!” He smiles, a transformed man today—the kind of real-world, real-life transformation you help make possible with your support for this ministry we share.

 In fact, as we began serving sit-down meals again this summer to neighbors in need like Johnny, please know that gifts and prayers like yours made it all possible.

 And as we look forward to every table being full for Thanksgiving, Christmas dinner and all the meals between, know how vital your help is in shining this BEACON OF HOPE in our community! Thanks and blessings.