A Life Changed – Joel’s Story 

Before arriving at the Rescue Mission, I was homeless and struggling with mental uncertainties.

After having the American dream, the house, white picket fence, the dog, the perfect children and the perfect marriage of 15 years, in a day it seemed all that was gone!

After a bad divorce, I lost it all.

Not soon after that, I lost my job, used up my savings and only to find myself homeless and living in my car.  With no family willing to lend a hand, I was alone, desperate, hungry and now homeless.

It started to take a toll on my mind.  I began to experience anxiety and panic attacks which I never had before.

Now I had two problems – mental anguish and homelessness.  Wandering around the state of Florida, I finally realized I’m despised.

Begging for money for food, haven’t bathed in days and feeling abandoned, I cried out to Jesus!

I prayed He’d make a way for me to get back to my home town of Springfield, MA.  I felt I would be able to bounce back.  By a miracle, someone gave me money and it was enough to make it back to MA.  It was an answer to prayer!

After arriving back in MA, it was in the middle of winter, and I was still homeless, I was cold and hungry, living in my car (which was eventually taken back from the bank).

I lived in my car for a couple of weeks, in the dead of winter, spending days in a Burger King and McDonald’s to keep warm, and asking anyone for food and coffee.  I cried out again to Jesus in prayer!  Please Lord help me find a shelter or just a place to get off the streets!

I had the urge to call shelters in the area.  Every time I called they were not open or they were full.  Finally, a bed opened up at SRM’s Taylor St. emergency shelter, and I was able to stay there for a month.

While at the Emergency Shelter, I found out about the SRM’s Rehabilitation Program.

So, I can to SRM’s public meal and found out more about the Men’s New Life Program.

I was accepted into the program.   After spending some time in the program, I started to have less anxiety, anguish, and less panic attacks.  The SRM provided a place that was safe, a bed, three meals a day, clothes and Praise the Lord, I can take as many showers as I want!

What was the best out of all the SRM did for me, was to reconnect my relationship with Christ.  I thank God I ended up at the SRM. Learning about Christ, Christian mentors and examples of encouraging the residents to depend on Christ.  No money can give me what Christ has restored to me which is peace of mind and a relationship with Christ.