Charlie’s Second Chance

“I’m a retired teacher,” Charlie says. “And I was an alcoholic,” he admits. And it ended up costing him everything: “I was homeless on and off for about four years,” he shakes his head.

Imagine, going from a pillar of the community to seeking food and shelter on the streets!

But that became Charlie’s life, until a homeless friend—who’d been a psychologist before hitting rock bottom himself—said, “It’s time for you to get out of this and go someplace else.”

By God’s grace, he did. “I came here to the Rescue Mission, and you graciously took me in.”

His life since has never been the same. “This place is exactly what it says: it’s safe, it’s Christian. There are a lot of great people here, and I spend my days improving myself,” he says, grateful for the second chance neighbors like you have made possible.

That change has come just in time. “I’ll soon be 69 years old,” he nods. “My health is completely improved and I’ve turned things around. That’s been my journey, and this is how I’ve ended up”— with a life transformed.

That life transformation is all thanks to hearts like yours extending the hope and joy of Christ this Christmas—and seeing them through to better, brighter days in the new year!