Adam’s Last Christmas: ADAM’S STORY

Adam came from a broken family and tried to hide his pain and confusion by self-medicating with pot in his early 20’s. As the years went by, he experimented with cocaine and prescription pills. By the age of 29 he found himself to be a full blown addict. Adam said, “At this point, I was waking up dope-sick and trying to make it through the day. I thought I was happy when I was high, but I was truly miserable. I was working two jobs, but I never had any money. The pills got too expensive so I tried heroin. I ended up with an incredible habit that was drowning me. I lost the jobs, I lost the place where I was staying and I became homeless.” Last Christmas, Adam was using cocaine heavily. He was ordered by a judge to get into a rehabilitation program. That’s when he found the Springfield Rescue Mission.

Since Adam has been here, he’s seen God working in amazing ways. Adam told us, “The Rescue Mission teaches us how to respond to God’s goodness, greatness and wisdom. I became convicted about how I treated others. One of these people was my sister. She had taken me in to her home and I abused this kindness. Because I’ve come to know the forgiveness of sin in my life, I went to her and asked her to forgive me. She did!”

It’s stories like these that make Christmas truly special for our residents – as well as those who support them through the rehabilitation process. If you would like to help residents like Adam you can make a donation by clicking the link at the bottom of the page, but more importantly, you can pray!

Adam recently attended a funeral of one of his old buddies. Adam told us, “He and I used to party a lot. He was my age. That moment in the funeral home was a sobering one. ‘That could have been me’, I thought, as I looked at the casket. You see, he died of a drug overdose. Today marks the longest I have been sober in more than ten years. I have God to thank for this. Furthermore, I would appreciate your prayers. I cannot do this on my own.”

Adam recently received his Barnabas Lessons Certificate and is pictured here with Chaplain James. Adam admits to being a broken man, but is now a new man – a man who has surrendered his life to Christ.

Thank you for your part in Adam’s story and Merry Christmas!