Provide Easter Meals for Your Neighbors in Need

This Easter season, as many as 25,000 meals will be served to those who are hungry and hurting. Every $2.32 you give now will make sure there is a meal and hope for families and individuals who have nowhere else to turn.

A nutritious meal truly makes a difference, and it can be the first step to someone’s life transformation in Christ! For neighbors who are struggling, hungry and hurting, your gifts today let them know help and hope are available to them—and they can overcome the challenges they face because people like you really do care.

Please give generously today!

Need Assistance? Call customer service at 888-555-5555.
E-mail them at

Select Donation Amount

  •  —  $100.00
  •  —  $50.00
  •  —  $25.00
  • Other $
     —  $0.01
  •  —  $100.00 / month
  •  —  $51.50 / month
  •  —  $25.00 / month
  • Other $
     —  $10.00 / month