A Life Changed    


“There was nowhere else for me to go.” —Theron

Theron is so grateful for the meal—and the new life in Christ—you provided!

After Theron was injured at work, he turned to alcohol for relief. Before long, he had become what he describes today as “a full-blown, raging alcoholic.”

The day came when he did serious damage, and he found himself serving time in jail.

But there, he heard a life-changing message: God loves you.

Did you know . . . your generous support for Springfield Rescue Mission sends a member of our team to that jail to lead Bible studies, and it was there that Theron connected with the Gospel message—and never missed a meeting.

Yet, as his release date drew close, Theron knew he had no place to go. His sister’s home was the only possibility—but he knew what that environment would mean: “I would’ve got back into drugs and alcohol, and eventually become either homeless or locked up again.”

You opened the door of the Mission to Theron. You allowed us to welcome him warmly . . . sit with him over a hearty meal . . . give him a safe place to sleep . . . provide him with the basic necessities of life . . . and offered him hope.

That day was the beginning of a whole new life.

“I realize now that this is definitely where God wanted me!” Theron says with a joyous laugh.

As you read these words, Theron is looking ahead: “I’m praying that God will allow me to find a job and save the money I need to get back on my feet again.”

Meanwhile, when he thinks about the people who give to keep the Mission going, he’s full of gratitude.

“If it wasn’t for the people who donate here, this place wouldn’t be what it is,” he says. “Thank you so much for letting God use you and speak to your heart!”

When you give to Springfield Rescue Mission, you offer new life to someone like Theron. And it all starts with a simple meal.

This Easter, we’ll serve hundreds of meals to people in need. Please return the enclosed Easter Meal Ticket with the gift God is leading you to give. Every $2.32 you give today will touch another life. Thank you! God bless you!