1. How do I become a volunteer?

The first step to become a volunteer is to go to our website: https://springfieldrescuemission.org/getinvolved/volunteer.  Once on the volunteer page, scroll down a bit and click the “Register to Become a Volunteer” button. Then follow the instructions.


  1. How often can I volunteer?

You may volunteer as often as you wish! The opportunities are listed on the Volunteer page under “Sign Up for an Opportunity.” Once your profile is activated and you have attended a Volunteer Orientation, you may select any opportunity that has openings and suits your schedule.


  1. Can I bring my family, my children with me to volunteer?

Volunteers must be 18 years of age to create a volunteer profile.

All volunteers in the kitchen must be 16 years old, per the Mass State Law. For more information on minors volunteering and family and group volunteering options, please contact Lenore Masciotra, Volunteer Program Coordinator (VPC) at 413-732-0808 ext.220 or lmasciotra@springfieldrescuemission.org.


  1. Where do I park?

Volunteers will enter through the main gate on Mill St. and stop at the Guard Shack where you will be directed to park. If volunteering on a Saturday morning, volunteers can park in front by the Public Breakfast Entrance door.


  1. Where do I go when I come in to volunteer?

All volunteers will enter through the Visitor Entrance door. Volunteers will be greeted by the Receptionist, sign in at the front desk and then will be directed to the area for which they are volunteering; or the Volunteer Program Coordinator will be notified. If volunteering on a Saturday morning, Volunteers will enter through the Public Breakfast Entrance door.


  1. What should I wear?

Most areas of volunteering require casual dress; jeans are appropriate, and shoes should be closed- toe and comfortable. Your clothing may get dirty or stained, depending on what you will be doing. Dress according to the weather, and keep in mind that the kitchen tends to be very warm in the summer months. The same for Operation SONshine- dress for the outside weather and elements. (See Volunteer Agreement and Food Service Protocols for more information.)


  1. Who will I be working with?

You will most likely be working with other volunteers and sometimes with the program residents. There will always be a staff member(s) present.



  1. What should I do if I have a complaint or concern?

You should bring a complaint to the attention of the Volunteer Program Coordinator. If it is an urgent matter, you should find the VPC immediately or the nearest staff member and ask to speak in private.



  1. Can I earn Community Service hours by volunteering at the Mission?

We do not accept court-ordered community service.  We do accept students or interns. Most required community service from a school and/or business will provide a specific form for the Volunteer Program Coordinator or immediate supervising SRM staff member to complete. Please contact the Volunteer Program Coordinator for more information.



  1. What if I am ill or something comes up and I can’t make my scheduled volunteer event?

You can do one of three things:

1) You can unregister for the event online as soon as possible prior to your scheduled volunteer date.

2)  You can call and leave a message with Lenore, Volunteer Program Coordinator 732- 0808 ext. 220.

3) You can email Lenore, Volunteer Program Coordinator, lmasciotra@springfieldrescuemission.org , with the subject “Cancellation”.


Please note: if a volunteer no-shows without a phone call or email to the Volunteer Program Coordinator 3 times, their profile will be deactivated until they speak with the VPC.


  1. Can I cook or bring in food for the meal times?

Yes! We appreciate our volunteers and donors who can provide and serve a meal for lunch or dinner at either the main facility or the Emergency Shelter. This is a great help to the Rescue Mission, a treat for the men and offers a respite for the kitchen crew. See the “Provide a Meal’ segment on the volunteer page. For more information, contact Lenore, Volunteer Program Coordinator at 413-732-080 ext. 220 or email lmasciotra@springfieldrescuemission.org.